Life isn't always easy... It will throw you curve balls, ups, downs, successes, failures, and anything/everything in between. The last few years I have been unable to truly hunt the way I want to, or shall I say the way my soul needed to feel content. See I'm not the kind of person that enjoys a lot of people or feeds off of their energy, it sucks my soul dry. When I get out in nature it rejuvenates my inner being, clears my mind, and allows me to focus on what I am doing in that exact moment. Not an easy task for someone with ADD that chooses not to be medicated. Then after a few years of feeling terrible and 4 doctors later I was finally diagnosed with an autoimmune condition where my body had attacked and killed my own thyroid (which literally controls everything in you body in one way or another). Why do I tell you all of this, to encourage you not to give up. It doesn't matter if it's your health, hunting, or just life. There are seasons and reasons for everything and as I continue to feel better I can't wait to get back out there. Sharing and encouraging others is a passion I hope to never lose.
God Bless,